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Hajir Hajji

Hajji was already a commercial director but started her career at Action at the age of 17 as a stocker and. Hajir was Director Store Operations for seven years responsible for Actions sales and international retail operations including the opening. Shahnamah 1653 Call Number Persian Mss 87 Request The Physical Item To View In Our Reading Room Creator Firdawsi Creator Ibn Abi Al Qasim Abd Al Mu 1 day ago3i Group Plc a private equity and venture capital company announced Tuesday that its portfolio company Action has appointed Hajir Hajji to succeed Sander van der Laan as Chief Executive OfficerHajji will formally become CEO of Action on January 1 2022 while van der Laan will remain with the company until the end of March 2022 in order to ensure a smooth transition. Hajir Hajji . De 41-jarige Hajir Hajji wordt de nieuwe CEO van Action. Hajir joined Action in 1997 and is Executive Board member responsible for store operations across Europe. There are 700 professionals named Hajir who us